Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mountains and Valleys

We live a very blessed life.  We have a nice home, reliable transportation, plenty of food, money enough to meet our needs and more, access to information, and a family that will soon grow by one more.  And, like the sinful creatures we are, we do not appreciate these blessings nearly enough.

It is so easy to become content - not the kind where one is satisfied with his/her situation, but instead where everything begins to be taken for granted.  We start to live like this is the norm, the expected, the deserved.  We deserve nothing, but by God's grace that which He chooses to bestow.  As Job understood, "The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away.  Blessed be the name of the Lord."

Over this last weekend, our charmed life was cracked just a smidge.  Just enough to shake us out of our contentment and realize that we'd been living as if our blessings are certain.  Of course, our salvation cannot be taken, and that is the biggest blessing of all.  But the material and carnal blessings that we enjoy in this world are definitely not guaranteed.

God ordained marriage and blessed it.  He knows that it is not good for man (or woman) to be alone.  Two fighting together are a force to be reckoned with, and a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.  My marriage means so much to me.  My husband is my everything here on earth.  He provides, protects, and leads our family to know and serve God better every day.  So when that love and security is suddenly shown to be vulnerable, and the realization that I could lose it as quickly as snapping my fingers sets in, it isn't surprising that I become fearful and angry.  Yes, I trust God.  Yes, I believe that He will sustain me and my family no matter what happens.  Yes, I know that my husband is a gift that God has given me and can be taken away, and I will continue to praise His name.

But, oh how desperately I pray that God would have mercy and spare me from that path I do not want to walk!

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