Monday, August 30, 2010

Taking It Easy

I had a very stressful weekend.  I spent Friday cleaning the house in preparation for a visit from family.  I mopped the floor on my hands and knees, dusted, vacuumed, tidied up several piles of things that have collected over the last few weeks, caught up on all the laundry, and various other small chores.  By the end of the day I was exhausted and aching all over, but glad to have a chance to make our house look presentable.  That night both girls woke up several times, came to bed with us, and didn't settle into sleep until nearly 3am. :(  Poor Abigail had an allergic reaction to the lawn treatment and her eyes were red, swollen, and gooped up pretty badly.
Saturday morning was spent watching the rally in D.C., hosted by Glenn Beck.  I was up at 6am because of Abigail and her allergy, and watched most of the live feed while doing last minute preparation for the visit.  I wish I had been more awake because the message was so inspiring, and the crowd so overwhelming.  It definitely gave me a spiritual boost which I was to need for that day.
Unfortunately, the visit ended poorly and the stress of the yelling and tension in the house has caused me to have some pretty painful contractions and a lot of pain in places that I shouldn't be having pain this early in my pregnancy.  I will need to take it easy for awhile and avoid stress as much as possible.  I pray that the baby is okay and that I am able to carry her full term.  My greatest fear is that something will go wrong and I will need to be in the hospital.
If you are so inclined, please say a prayer for my baby.

1 comment:

Cara said...

I'm so sorry the visit didn't go well. :( I'm praying that your body settles down and baby stays healthy inside of you!

On an up note, you can sit back and "relax" - your housework is done for a while! :)