Monday, May 17, 2010

The Wonders of the Pregnant Brain, or How I Completely Forgot I had Started a Blog!

Thanks to Kristin who recently commented on an old post here, I was reminded that this blog exists. Funny thing happens when a woman becomes pregnant. No wonder how intelligent she was before, her ability to remember things drops significantly. I chalk it up to the tremendous energy being put into growing a human being. My husband just thinks I've lost my mind. :)

I wanted to update anyone who happens to stop over here that things are going much better. Morning sickness is slowly on its way out. Food still tastes different and tends to leave a bad taste in my mouth, but I'm eating and keeping it down and am up out of bed. (Some) household chores are being done and Carly has resumed school. That's about all I can ask.

I am 14 weeks, 5 days pregnant. My belly has officially "popped." I'm at that stage where I am actually trying to look pregnant (i.e., wearing tighter shirts, rubbing my belly in public, putting my hands on my lower back when I'm standing) so people will know that I haven't just gotten fatter - there's a reason my belly has swollen. Think it's working? Yeah, me neither.

Since I last blogged, Grace turned 3, Jeremy turned 30-something, Abigail turned 2, and I turned 29 - again. :) That's a lot of birthday cake!

We have a 3-D ultrasound scheduled for next month. We are definitely going to find out the gender - I have zero patience. I'll break the news as soon as we find out. We're pretty sure of the girl name, but the boy name is elusive. We have a couple ideas, but nothing that just shouts out to us. Probably because it's a girl - which we are fine with. Jeremy is actually hoping for a girl.

Now that I know this blog exists, I'll try to update more regularly. Can't promise anything. Might forget all over again by tomorrow. :)